We are living in such exciting, challenging & transformational times. Everyone of you who reads this probably realizes how blessed we are to be here on Earth at this time. At this moment I’m writing to let you know about a powerful opportunity to take a beautiful journey with one of my heroes, Barbara Marx Hubbard, into your highest gifts, energy & creativity during this wild & intense time of planetary transformation & rebirth! It’s called The Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) Training.
I heard Barbara speak first in 1978 & found myself weeping experiencing the incredible vision she was carrying for us all then. The miracle for me at that time is that her talk so reinforced the vision I had that summer that became the ground of my work as well over these years.
Now 33 years later, at the age of 80 Barbara is fully ‘out there’ and so many are hearing her awesome, now very timely message.
You can learn about this vision through this free Birth 2012 teleseminar with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Shift Network CEO Stephen Dinan by clicking on this link:
And even though I will be so busy these next couple of months, I couldn’t resist signing up myself. This is such a remarkable opportunity to join energy field with thousands of people participating in “this great shift into a time of Co-Creation of a new reality we are in” with a woman who is one of my heroes in inspiring consciousness. I will tune in whenever I can over the course of the 12 weeks.
To be in a direct teleconference is very powerful so if not this one, I encourage you to check out the many courses The Shift Network is building at this time.
Click here to learn all the details of the ACE training: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/ace/carol
Before you go there, this morning Barbara sent out this piece with some amazing news as well as her vision of this process. I want to share it with you:
Dearly Beloved Conscious Evolutionaries,
As we suffer through the mounting crises in Japan, Libya, the Middle East, and the whole world, it is vital that we place the crises in the context of evolutionary drivers toward what is being born through us. For example, members of the Goi Peace Foundation in Japan sent out a letter to many of us saying that they have decided to invite visionaries, scientists, artists and environmentalists from all over the world to help them build a New City that represents the New Civilization.
As you know, we have known that “Our Crisis is a Birth.” Now I feel the hour of the birth is near. How will we make the shift in time, quickly enough to avoid ever greater destruction?
Here is what I know.
There are several keys. One is to link as quickly as possible what is already emerging. Another is to rapidly increase the field, the vibration of heart-coherence on a planetary scale.
In line with these essential elements, I am really thrilled to invite you to enroll in my 12 Week Agents of Conscious Evolution Training (ACE) starting April 19 for those who want to embody the principles and practices of conscious evolution and to help form global teams to catalyze the Birth Day celebration on December 22, 2012. Never before in my life, or any of our lives could such an opportunity be offered to us.
Click here to learn all the details: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/ace/carol
If you are so called, we will work together for the next 20 months midwifing and gentling the planetary birth, helping to build the Field of Resonance in which millions of us can align.
The Field Reveals What is Emerging. This is an opportunity to give your highest gifts in creating a Planetary Birth Experience that can shift our consciousness and evolve our world. Love Always, Barbara
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my site. I appreciate your enthusiastic response to it. I only wish I knew what “RSS feeds” were so if you read this…let me know. Blessings to you, Carol Stewart