War & Peace & A Million Children Singing

Dear Friends,  (originally offered 22 Feb. 2011 and edited on 18 April 2013)

Listen to these children singing (below uTube link!) Feel the call of their hearts. It’s heart-blowing open time!

And secondly, I am an advocate of peace as almost everyone I know is…I learned, actually from a teaching plant in the Amazon, that peace begins within each heart! In this teaching, I experienced, without any relief at recognizing the horror of the path of war, that as long as there is any war within my heart about myself or others…there will be war in this world and, as a consequence, the horrible misery and suffering generated that has perpetuated itself for centuries continues. It was a challenging, very direct experience to realize inside myself this teaching and to understand that I had to integrate this at all levels of my being because We, as humans, have far greater things to accomplish now and we need to work co-creatively together to do so ….Anything that fosters this direction, I am definitely “for”…. I understand that this is a choice … that is all, a choice to grow up. There is pain from separation in us all. This can no longer justify our projections of this darkness onto ourselves or others.

I want to make clear that I believe that some struggle or what I call “appropriate suffering’ will continue to occur as humans benefit from appropriate challenges that help us all grow and mature ourselves. We stumble and fall while learning to walk but our habit of blaming the ground and making war on the earth under us is not the answer! I am talking about the wars inside and outside of us that create “inappropriate suffering” and perpetuate the misery and destruction of so much needed beauty in this world. The mind may not know but the heart clearly knows the difference between “appropriate” and “inappropriate” suffering. So with a peaceful heart, you can stand for something that may challenge others where things can and must change for the benefit of all.

We can all recognize that now, we in a time of such revolutionary change in the landscape of our reality! Look at what is happening in the Middle East right now. Our world and the views that created it are changing as they must for us to transform this world & fulfill an evolutionary call to create a world big enough for all of us and all our relations in a sustainable form.

In this spirit, I want to share these two things with you that are inspiring and supportive to our building a world of what I call “natural”, not enforced or manipulated peace. I send you all love and blessings for each step you take this beautiful Earth we live on, Carol


On December 11th 2010, one million children gathered in Thailand to sing a song of hope, joy, and change to the world. You are invited to take a few minutes of your time to receive their heart felt message.

Link to the YouTube video:

YouTube – “Change The World” by One Million Star Children & Howard McCrary

Second ….

A Peace Ambassador Training, a groundbreaking program is offered by The Shift Network. Led by renowned peacebuilder and social healer James O’Dea, this 20-week certificate program provides the skills and tools to be a leader for peaceful change within your family, your job, your community, and within our larger world.

It is possible but large-scale healing will be required, led by true peacebuilders within all sectors of society. The Peace Ambassador Training offers just the kind of training we need to help bring about massive positive change. It brings together the world’s top peace builders to deliver a comprehensive training in the comfort of your home.

Click here for all the details:   https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/pat/carol

I hope you will consider the Peace Ambassador Training program, lead by James O’Dea, as a way for you to become a powerful agent for positive change.

With love and respect for the Mystery in each of us, Carol

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One Response to War & Peace & A Million Children Singing

  1. Kriya Shakti says:

    Wow!! This course sounds amazing!! Thank you for posting it!

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